SHM Wednesday night's program for kpfk, 29 Jan
Rockwell: Somebody’s watching me
Hi everyone,
Important note: The kpfk winter fund drive will start next Monday night/Tuesday morning, and I would like to reach out to every one of you to participate and make it successful—we will have a lot of special programs during the African-American history month. kpfk must survive especially during the devastating wildfires in LA, climate change, and fascism in the halls of power in the USA.
Dave Emory, For The Record (FTR) 1357 conversation with Monte part 31 in this series. Dave Emory produces a weekly FTR program, which has been broadcast for more than 45 years, examining the interconnecting historical processes, people, and institutions which shape the complex geopolitical landscape, and exploring the roots and movement of fascism at home and abroad. Dave Emory’s website is where you can find all his work.
Chris Hedges show. Chris hedges is in conversation with Yanis Varoufakis, two intellectual giants of our time, on the topic of his latest book, titled “Technofeudealism: what killed capitalism?” two intellectual giants of our time, from 29 Jan. Link:
A talk by Norman Finkelstein, historian, professor, author of numerous books on Palestine, who gave the keynote address at “the Gala for Gaza”, from 18 Jan.
An interview with Dyab Abou Jahjah, lawyer and educator, by Nora Barraws-Friedman and Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada on the topic of “Bringing Israeli soldiers to justice around the world”, very important, from 27 Jan. Link:
Rebroadcast of the Thom Hartmann’s yesterday’s show.
Program for knsj and kzum
Hour one is Chris Hedges’s show, hour two is Electronic Intifada’s show, and hour three is Dave Emory’s show.